Top pros of eating THC gummies and their effects

There is no better technique of relieving anxiety, getting the good night sleep and relaxation,  than chewing of yummy gummies. If you’ve had a stressful day or you need to ensure you get a good night’s sleep before a big day, the THC gummy benefits and effects play their role. They may however have some temporary effects on one’s body. Let’s take a deep dive on how it might help your body, mind and spirit.

You do not have to worry about the health risks of smoking

Smoking weed has a negative impact on one’s lung health, making most people nervous. The route of taking edibles cancels all these worries.

It can help with pain management

The most common reason why people use medical marijuana is for pain management. Cannabis was found to be quite effective in treating chronic pain and is a much safer alternative to opiates as it is less addictive and impossible to overdose on.

It can reduce inflammation

When a person has chronic inflammation, there may be serious diseases like chronic kidney illness, cancer, cardiovascular sickness, and even neurodegenerative disorders. Studies have found that cannabis can help reduce inflammation which is true when THC is taken combined with other cannabinoids which occur naturally in the plant. This is among the THC gummy benefits and effects.

Gummies last longer than when you smoke weed

It is important to know that gummies take a longer time to feel effects compared to when you smoke. You are required to give it time to prevent taking too much. 

It can help with neurological and mental disorders

In places where medical marijuana is legal, sometimes cannabis is prescribed by doctors to treat a variety of mental health and neurological conditions including; anxiety, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Tourette syndrome and multiple sclerosis.

It can help with cancer related symptoms

Chemotherapy can lead to side effects like nausea and vomiting, which a number of studies have found that cannabis can help to relieve in cancer patients. There have also been reports that THC together with other cannabinoids can slow the growth of certain types of cancer cells or cause death of those cells.  We can therefore conclude that there are some positive THC gummy benefits and effects related to cancer treatment. 

It can help you sleep

Most people claim to use marijuana as a sleep aid. THC gummies can also help to boost your mood. Studies shows that marijuana could help people who are experiencing depression by restoring normal endocannabinoid function and stabilizing one’s mood. It also proves to help relieve obsessive thoughts.


THC gummies can produce unpleasant symptoms that may persist for several hours or even days which is sometimes referred to as cannabis overdose. Some symptoms include:

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Motor impairment
  • Hallucinations
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Agitation and anxiety
  • Extreme sedation
  • Delusions

Based on the above facts about THC gummy benefits and effects, it is important for one to fully understand everything about them before making a choice to use them. Individuals taking them for medical purposes should consider taking advices from doctors first before they can commence using them.

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What are the Health Benefits of Using the CBD Daily?

CBD extraction is very simple, it is extracted from cannabis and diluted with hemp oil. This is why it is called a natural oil. It t’s extraction from a plant and mixing with a natural oil without passing several processes gives it hands up.

CBD has no psychoactive properties that are sometimes found in cannabis. Therefore it has no properties of causing sensations of getting high. This allows CBD an appealing medication to opt for mainly for those that seek pain receiving medications.

CBD does not alter a mind as cannabis does. Therefore , it is safe to use this treatment for various ailments. Below are some of the benefits of using CBD oil for treatment;

  1. It is good in relieving pain.

It is founded that most of the cannabis components are used for reliving pain. CBD is amongst the components known to relief pain. This suggests that this component is the best in relieving pain. In fact it has been known to treat pain as far from 2900B.C

  1. It is good in dealing with anxiety  and mental disorders 

Wellbeing of a person needs the balanced anxiety and mental health. Failure of these working well is a great disaster. Most of mental problems are dealt with the use of pharmaceutical which in most cases can have side effects.

CBD daily use health benefit to the people leaving with mental disorders have shown desirable impacts in treating mental illness. Most people living with mental illness are opting for this natural remedy to their conditions.

  1. It is a promise to people living with cancer

Cancer is a deadly disease and no weapon is 100% sure to treat it. As of now, there are so many medications that are used to increase the lifespan of these people and most of their medications are accompanied by side effects. Among the side effects are vomiting, pain and nausea.

Therefore CBD daily use health benefit to people living with cancer is to relieve them from the above side effects and reduce some of the symptoms of cancer. It is very helpful to these groups of people because it suppresses their symptoms.

  1. It has neuroprotective properties

In most of the research, CBD has been believed to be the one to act on the endocannabinoid system. It is also believed to work on brain signaling systems. Its work on these systems was with the hope of providing benefits for neurological disorders group of people.

CBD through several types of research has shown encouraging results in the treatment of disorders which are epilepsy and MS. The research concerning this is relatively new though promising.

CBD daily use health benefit is the children suffering from Dravet syndrome. This is a complex epilepsy disorder in children .study showed that CBD oil reduces the seizure activity of this syndrome in children.

Again, with people living with Parkinson’s disease, studies found that CBD is very helpful to them. This is because the treatment with CBD improves the quality of sleep and life for individuals with this disease.

Other beneficial health benefits of CBD include its ability to reduce high blood pressure and thus improve the healthy working of the heart. This means that it is able to fight stroke and heart attack through it’s work of lowering high blood pressure

In conclusion CBD oil is the best natural option that one can opt for. As stated above, it’s potentiality to treat several ailments with less side effects, it is a reccomendable oil to be used by all kinds of individuals.

Though it’s good to use, you have not to forget that it has it’s own disadvantages to the user. Therefore, opting for CBD use needs evaluation.

Amazing Facts You Need to Know about Sativa vs Indica

Before someone decides to try any of the two species of marijuana, they must have collected some information on how they look, and even how they affect the functioning of the body. Although they are species of the same plant, sativa vs indica differences and uses discussion has always been necessary to give individuals a clear picture of the two varieties of cannabis.

Cannabis sativa and cannabis indica exhibit differences and uses outlined below.

Physical Structure

Without much keenness, the difference in leaf size and arrangement in cannabis sativa and cannabis indica is obvious. Whereas sativa species are less branched with slender leaves and can grow as high as twenty feet, Indica plants have wider leaves and are bushy due to dense branching. They can grow up to five feet high. Talks on sativa vs indica differences and uses have been based on this disparity.

Cannabinoid Present

As the cannabinoid present in a particular species of cannabis is responsible for the type of effect caused after its consumption, there is a need to understand this concept during the sativa vs indica debate. The two prevalent cannabinoids are usually CBD and THC. 

Both THC and CBD may be contained in cannabis sativa as well as in cannabis indica. However, the difference in concentration of the two components is what brings out the contrast. Studies have shown that cannabis indica usually has more CBD and less THC. Cannabis sativa on the other hand is normally associated with high THC levels and low levels of CBD Online .

Effects on the Body

Depending on the type of cannabinoid predominant in a particular species, their effects on the body are different. THC is the cannabinoid that is most reactive in the body and highly binds with CB1 brain receptors to mediate its functions. CBD on the contrary is less reactive when interacting with CB1 receptors.

The high concentration of THC in sativa plants explains the euphoric feeling exhibited by an individual after consuming it. Other possible effects of using cannabis sativa include loss of memory and impaired balance. Cannabis indica does not cause the highness experience due to high concentrations of CBD. 

Research on sativa vs indica differences and uses has shown that consumption of cannabis sativa results to relief of pain from migraines and cancer. This is because of the high THC levels in the sativa species, which binds to CB1 receptors and block pain transmission. High CBD levels in cannabis indica antagonize the extreme effects of cannabis sativa.


As many conversations on sativa vs indica erupt, the need to come up with outstanding evidence is vital. In summary, cannabis sativa and cannabis indica have noticeable differences ranging from their outward appearance, and levels of cannabinoids present to how they mediate their effects in the body after consumption.  

The CBD oil uses that you didn’t know.

There is a bad history associated with cannabis consumption. Bhang is well known to cause severe damage to humans if wrongly used. The abuse of bhang led many countries across the globe to burn its consumption. The good news is that bhang consumption has advantages that most people don’t know. Scientists have developed cannabidiol oil, an extract of bhang with health advantages. Read through this article to find out some of the CBD oil uses that you didn’t know.

Used as an anti-anxiety

Anxiety arises as a result of receptors’ response to serotonin. Receptors help cells to respond to different stimuli once they receive chemical messages. Most people get anxious due to many factors. If the levels of anxiety become extreme, the normal functioning of the human body is impaired. Debates about Cbd oil uses, especially on anxiety, are undisputed. Isn’t that good news. A dose of 600mg helps to reduce the severity of social anxiety.

CBD oil and seizure

Seizure is a condition associated with the defect or the abnormality of neurotransmitters. Without early interventions, a seizure can result in death. Even though there are some medical interventions to reduce the severity of the condition, patients’ cbd oil uses on seizures should not be ignored. With 2-5mg of cbd oil combined with ant-epileptics, the patient reported fewer seizures than anti-epileptic alone.

CBD oil and pain

Treatment of pain is one of the CBD Luxe discovered by scientists. According to researchers, cbd oil after chemotherapy has shown positive results. There is ongoing research on how cbd oil can relieve symptoms of pain associated with; MS, muscle pain, spinal cord injury associated pain, chronic pain, among others.

CBD oil and acne

Acne is a global challenge that is mainly associated with youths. Although the condition is yet to resolve appropriately, Research has shown that cbd oil can reduce the effect of acne by preventing the activity of the sebaceous glands. Before opting for cbd oil, you should first seek medical guidance from your dermatologist.

CBD and cancer

Globally, cancer is among the top-rated killer diseases. Although research on the effect of cbd oil on cancer is ongoing, cbd has shown positive results in preventing the growth of cancer cells. Isn’t that good news?

To conclude, it is evident that even though bhang has adverse side effects, let us try not to forget about its positive impact. Let’s try to embrace the uses of the cbd oil in our societies.

Ways of Taking Weed Edibles Safely

Weed edibles are infused food products with marijuana. They come in a variety of numerous aspects like; chocolates, baked foods, beverages, candies, and more. They can be made at home or prepared commercially for dispensaries; and when made at home, the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the Psychoactive ingredients in marijuana are taken out into butter or oil, which later can be applied directly on food staff or used in cooking. Below are the ways to take edibles safely.

Before taking, first, read the prescriptions

Just like packaged foods contain labels, weed-infused products are also labelled. The only difference is that packaged foods are labelled in calories whereas edible packaged foods are labelled in milligrams of THC and CBD. It should be noted that the number is per serving but not the whole package or portion of it. Thus, Taking Weed Edibles Safely requires the user to first read the prescriptions.

Take your time and be patient

Taking Weed Edibles Safely requires you, the user to go slowly, wait about 30 minutes and beyond, probably 2 hours for your first portion to hit on. If there is no change taking place at that moment, then go on with another dose but also give it some time to get results.

However tempting it could be, never just take the edibles because you’re not feeling any impact as this will be the beginning of your insanity.

First, eat some food before taking the weed edible

Taking Weed Edibles Safely requires you, especially newbies to first have eaten some food staff before taking them. This is because the weed edibles are strong and can cause severe health issues if taken without having eaten any food.

Get to know your status

However much you have experience in taking edibles, you need to know your understanding to enjoy your time and resist getting high. Edible companies mostly recommend a half dose trial, probably 5mg and less for the first time. This helps you to realise how effective edibles are?


Taking is becoming more popular than smoking marijuana and having discussed the different ways of taking edibles safely, it’s now upon you to decide whether to go the right way and enjoy the edibles or the wrong way and face the circumstances that come with it.

Much about the Daily CBD Intake uses

There are different brands of cannabidiol, produced by diverse manufacturers and majority of them are fake. Users should be very keen on CBD selected since fake cannabidiol will cast0 vast adverse effects which could be fatal, and also, users need to realize that the pure CBD has side effects including fatigue, changes fluctuating appetite, diarrhoea, and deviations in weight. The daily CBD intake uses dosage varies depending with age, weight the type and severity of the illness.

The following resolutions relate to the daily CBD intake uses, both in humans and domestic animals.

 Treats Canine Osteoarthritis.

This disease happens commonly in dogs. Here the endocannabidoid system is regulated by the CBD. It does this by decreasing the excitatory neurotransmitters thus there would be reduced getnerated contractions leading to less pain.  This has been so relevant to many dogs, as long as the fake drug for this is not consumed.

Reduces Anxiety and Depression.

A percentage of cannabidiol is attained in the central nervous system and the cerebrospinal fluid. The daily CBD intake uses in these areas is to reduce the excessive brain activity which includes the display of thoughts. By doing this, it reduces anxiety and depression.

Curtails Seizures in Epilepsy.

Cannabidiol is used here both in humans and domestic animals. A form of cannabidiol known as epidiolex is used for humans to curb the frequency of the occurrence of seizures and the results have always been effective. For animals, the same technique of drug administration was copied from humans with an additional species of cannabidiol known as sattivex also used.

Improves heart health.

Since cannabidiol has an effect on muscle contraction, it maintains the contraction of the smooth muscles of the heart and blood vessels. By doing this, it regulates the blood pressure, maintain plasma concentrations and blood volume. Thus, daily CBD intake uses are truly effective.

Refines Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

One of the daily CBD intake uses is to improve the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease(IBD). Such symptoms include pain and fever. Cannabidiol tends to block the sodium ion channels to prevent further excess influx of it into the cells of the bowel region hence lessening pain and fever.


If only the consumption of pure cannabidiol is done with utmost care considering the dosage, age, the type and stringency of the diseases, minding the side effects and adverse outcomes, much health problems  be solved hence enhancing healthy generations ahead.

Benefits of Psilocybin Mushroom Treating PTSD

PTSD is a disorder caused by threatening events such as accidents, natural disasters like earthquakes, and military combat. The disorder causes anxiety and negative emotions. Therefore, it alters mental health and people are unable to perform daily duties. However, PTSD can be treated or it can disappear on its own. The article focuses on Psilocybin mushroom treating PTSD.

Why use of psilocybin mushroom in treating PTSD

Methods of treatment such as therapy, antipsychotics, and antidepressants do not work well with people having multiple traumas. Research shows that even after treatment using the methods, signs, and symptoms of the disorder appear.  Moreover, the methods cause side effects that increase PTSD. 

Therefore, Psilocybin mushroom treating PTSD is preferred.  Psilocybin is a psychedelic compound that stimulates neurogenesis. Neurogenesis leads to the repair and growth of brain cells responsible for memory and emotions. As a result, the traumatic cycle breaks.

Research shows that patients with diseases like high blood pressure, breast cancer, and gastrointestinal have psychological distress related to their diseases.

However, the patients have improved their quality of life after being treated with psilocybin. Patients were able to do more activities, have more energy, and do better at work. Therefore, psilocybin is the effective, safe and inexpensive form of medication for PTSD.

Benefits of psilocybin mushroom treatment 

Psilocybin mushroom treating PTSD is continually creating positive experiences among PTSD patients. The patients feel less afraid because, upon treatment with the drug, they have success rates on health issues and improved standards of living. 

Psilocybin is not addictive. Patients can take the drug often, and cells can still work without it. Additionally, psilocybin does not have negative effects. However, drugs like nicotine are chemically addictive because cells do not function without the drug.

Psilocybin enables people to do actions that bring happiness. Treatment by the drug enables people to perform duties well, live without fear, and have a good life free from stress leading to happiness.

Risks of using psilocybin mushroom treatment 

Psilocybin mushroom treating PTSD has to be approved before use through clinical trials. Clinical trials of new drugs may have dangers because people get the drug for the first time without knowing the effect. Therefore, a clinical test of psilocybin may not be safe.

Psilocybin causes physical effects such as loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, muscular tissues, and an increase in body temperature. The effects are dangerous to the health life of a person.

In conclusion, patients with PTSD should take good treatment to fight the disease. The preferred treatment method is the psilocybin mushroom drug. The drug has fewer effects compared to others and more benefits that lead to better lives among people.

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How to buy weed online in Canada

What is Weed? 

Cannabis (marijuana or weed) is a psychoactive drug that is derived from the Cannabis Sativa herb/plant and comes in three categories: Sativa, Indica and hybrid. The Indica strain is physically sedating and has a calming and relaxing effect, the Sativas enhances your energy, uplifts cerebral effects combined with creative projects and physical activity and hybrids balance the effects of the sativa and Indica. 


On the 17th of October, 2018, The Canadian Cannabis Act came into effect, making it the second country to legalize recreational marijuana (weed) after Uruguay. The Act allows persons over the age of 18 years of age (in some provinces it’s 19 years old) to buy, use, consume cannabis for recreational purposes. However, the Canadian provinces implemented restrictions through which legal cannabis can be bought and sold online. Cannabis producers supply the provincial governments who in turn supply /sell the retailers or consumers directly.  

In Summary: As long as the law and rules set by the provinces are adhered to, buying weed online anywhere within Canada is legal. 

Important Facts 

The standard information required to buy weed online in Canada, is your name and address of the province you’re purchasing from, together with your payment information. Some websites may request for your photo ID when logging in, although most of them only need this upon delivery. It is important to note that, the legal possession limit in public is 30g of weed per purchase; the weight can be in cannabis oils, dried cannabis flower, pre-rolls or it can be a combination of both.  

Prices, products and delivery dates vary from each website. You also cannot purchase cannabis from another online cannabis store in another province. You can only buy within your province – online stores will not ship nor deliver outside their province.  

You can legally buy weed online in any province in Canada, though this is significantly controlled by the regional governments so as to eradicate and eliminate the sale of marijuana through the black-market and also prevent money laundering and the channeling of these ill-gotten funds to illegal activities. 

In Summary: Most cannabis stores are government operated, though some provinces have privately owned online stores. You can only buy the cannabis from licensed and registered online retailers or your purchase could be seized, you could get heavily fined or incarcerated for illegally obtaining the product. 

Basic Steps on How to Buy Weed Online 

Step 1: Look for legitimate Canadian websites that sell online cannabis and log in. Once you have registered, most sites will have a listing of their products to choose from or different search options to peruse. Here is where the strain, brand and any other relevant information will be stored. 

Step 2: Select the quantity of the product or products you want to order and add to the cart. 

Step 3: Most sites (if this is your first time shopping with them) will ask for your name, physical, billing & shipping address, email, personal details, photo ID ( with signature), payment details and a password to be able to complete the order.   

Step 4: Proceed to make payment pay according to their payment mode and preference.   

Step 5: Log out and wait for your delivery. This varies within provinces from 1 to 3 business days to a maximum of 10 days if on the outskirt of the region. 

In Summary: Reputable, trustworthy and verified online cannabis retailers have a responsibility to protect customer privacy and ensure that products are tamper-proof and delivered undamaged and on time. Also counter-check their terms & conditions, money-back guarantee and refund policy before committing to purchasing anything. 

In conclusion, before you buy any weed online in Canada Shiva buzz dispensary, it is imperative that you verify the source of the products and get as much information about the retailer as possible. Peruse their product catalogues thoroughly, ask questions, understand what varieties and quality of the merchandise they keep in stock and ensure that they stock thoroughly-tested, well vetted and high-quality products only. Also check their online store reviews and other customers’ experiences to aid you make the right decision pertaining to where you will be making your current and future purchases. Lastly, visit a couple of online marijuana stores and do price comparison -premium product equates to premium (high) pricing. Happy shopping!  

Is vaping safe?

Vapes are e-cigarette or electronic cigarettes or other vaping devices. They are battery-powered smoking devices. Vapes devices have holders filled with liquid that contains nicotine, chemicals, and flavorings. The liquid is heated which in turn produces a vapor that a person inhales. Vaping is the process of taking a solution and heating it to inhale it into the lungs by use of electronic cigarettes also known as e-cigarettes or other vaping devices.  

Is vaping safe? 

According to the research vaping is less harmful than smoking a normal cigarette. But it is not safe because the chemicals, flavorings, and nicotine heated in the E-cigarette produce a spray that you inhale which is not good for your health. 

Difference between vaping and smoking cigarettes 

The difference between the two is that smoking delivers nicotine direct by burning tobacco which easily causes smoking-related illnesses while vaping nicotine is delivered by heating the liquid in a much safer way. Even if vaping is much safe the two share similar health side effects such as damage to the lungs and also increases the risk of cancer in the body. 

Is vaping legal? 

As of today, there is no law known to prohibit CBD vape uses for anxiety, vaping of e-cigarette at homes, public places, or in public transport therefore vaping is allowed. Please note like smoking cigarette vaping is allowed to people over the age of 18. 

Side effects of vaping 

The most common effects of vaping anxiety control reported by the researchers and users include; mouth/throat irritations, nausea, cough, weight loss, moods swing, poor performance, and headache which may deteriorate if one continue vaping. 

Is vaping addictive? 

Yes, vaping may be a good choice for anxiety control but is addictive like smoking. Some of the signs to help know if you are addicted includes 

  1. Irritability. 
  1. Annoyance. 
  1. Strong Craving. 
  1. Difficulty to Concentrate. 
  1. Sleeplessness.  

Can vape kill? 

Like smoking cigarettes, vaping has been linked to some serious lungs illnesses which kill. Some deaths have been linked to vaping products in the world and so vaping is still dangerous as smoking. Inhaling harmful chemicals from vaping products can cause irreversible lungs damage which in turn may cause death.  

Is vaping good for anxiety? 

CBD vape uses for anxiety produces fewer toxins than cigarettes. Vaping helps to reduce stress and anxiety. The simple process of vaping helps to calm one’s body down. Even if vaping helps to calm anxiety, daily use of vaping is associated with an increased chance of heart attack.  

Benefit of vaping 

  1. Control over nicotine intake: Vaping gives you control of nicotine dosage. E-Juice comes in different strengths and there is also nicotine-free vaping. 
  1. Control vapor output: In vaping, you can control how much vapor you are inhaling and exhales. You can adjust the power output. 
  1. Safer than smoking cigarettes: Because there is no burning in vaping, there is no smoke and smoke is what creates tar and carbon monoxide which causes long-term health problems. 
  1. No odors: There is no smell of smoke from vaping and your surrounding will be free from odors. There are flavored vapes that do not smell. 
  1. Access and availability: Today it is easier to find vapor products in vape shops and convenience stores and even gas stations. 

Vaping cons 

  1. Vaping nowadays is perceived as a youth problem. 
  1. Nicotine misinformation: Nicotine is known as a drug and thus has a terrible reputation. 
  1. Stigma: Vapers face stigma because vaping looks like smoking. 
  1. Many choices: The endless choices presented in the market is overwhelming unlike cigarette where you can choose a brand and light up, vaping have so many choices to choose from. 


Now that you understand the pros and cons of smoking and vaping, the choice is yours on which way to go. You should know vaping is not the only choice to combat smoking addiction, even other choices have also pros and cons when you consider any. CBD vape uses for anxiety is advantageous because it offers a smoking-like experience but without combustion which is more harmful to the body and environment. But also note vaping is also not the answer. Vaping in the CBD is safer than smoking. 

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What is Medical Cannabis?

Despite the lack of approval for most marijuana-based products, medical marijuana is gaining popularity as a much better pain-relieving medication. Marijuana may ease certain types of pain, for instance, pain resulting from nerve damage and inflation. There are different strains of cannabis, each with a different effect on its user. In this article, we will discuss the extensive use of medical cannabis to treat pain dispensary tale of two strains. 

There are typically three species of cannabis; Cannabis Indica, which is most preferred for pain relief, sedation, and sleep; Cannabis Sativa, which is mainly preferred to improve energy and mood; and the hybrid, which is a combination of the two. 

The cannabis plant has two naturally occurring cannabinoids, namely cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC). These interact with the two cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, to relieve pain. The CB1 receptors are predominantly located in the central nervous system and affect a person’s pain experience. On a physiological level, they affect emotions, memory, executive function, and the reward system. Once THC is ingested, it stimulates the CB1 receptors, activating the brain’s reward system. This results in a “high”, which then alleviates the pain. The CBD, on the other hand, interacts with the CB2 receptors, mainly found in the immune cells. This stimulation activates the anti-inflammatory effect in the immune cells, thus causing pain relief without causing the “high”. 

Cannabis is administered in different forms. For instance: 

  • CBD Oils extracted using grain alcohol. They are administered orally and in small quantities 
  • topical treatments like lotions, balms, and salves containing cannabinoids applied to the skin 
  • edibles infused in foods such as cookies, brownies, and candies 
  • sublingual cannabis which is placed under the tongue. In this method the drug enters the bloodstream faster, thus works more quickly. 

Research Carried Out Surrounding Cannabis Use 

A growing body of clinical research and a history of anecdotal evidence support the use of cannabis use to treat pain

One study involving 47 patients with Parkinson’s disease showed a 27% improvement in pain relief with cannabis use. 

Elsewhere, in another study, 40% of the patients had their migraines eased with the administration of various doses of cannabis. In addition, patients with a history of childhood migraines had relief in cluster headaches.  

In another medical research involving patients with fibromyalgia, a condition in which the body has “tender” points, half the patients stopped taking any other medication, though 30% developed mild side effects.  

In 2019, a study from 1000 individuals taking medical cannabis showed that, of the 65% users of cannabis for pain relief, 80% found it tremendously helpful. This resulted in 82% halting OTC pain mediation and 88% halting opioids. 

Finally, in a review of 16 published studies comprising of about 1700 patients with chronic nerve pain, researchers recorded a 50% increase in the number of patients who reported pain relief.  

Government Policies Surrounding Cannabis Use 

Rolling a joint isn’t ideally a proper work ethic. It can be difficult to explain your medical marijuana use with family members, especially children. Recently, Epidiolex, which contains a purified form of CBD, was approved for use. The drug is only legal for patients with severe and rare forms of epilepsy involving seizures not controllable by any other drug. Moreover, Marinol and Cesamet, containing synthetic THC are legally used to reduce nausea for patients undergoing cancer treatment, and increasing appetite for people living with HIV/AIDS.  

A record 34 states had legalized cannabis use to treat pain by year end 2019. This is however, under a condition of registration for patients, and presenting identification when going to purchase said drugs, for specific, diagnosed medical conditions. There could also be product testing, in order to quantify CBD and THC levels. 

Side Effects Associated With Cannabis Use to treat pain 

There have been reports of people experiencing some side effects with the use of cannabis. These include: 

  • breathing problems 
  • loss of concentration 
  • memory issues 
  • mental health issues 
  • dizziness 
  • rapid heart rate 
  • addiction 
  • withdrawal problems 


It is evident that, with extensive research to account for side effects, cannabis may be a favorable option for pain relief, and might even replace opioids, the current most potent pain-relieving drugs, due to their severe side effects, high addiction, and common withdrawal symptoms. However, anyone looking to explore cannabis for pain relief should discuss its risk and benefits with their doctor, to ensure they obtain the medication in the correct doses, legally and from a reputable outlet.