Deciding how much weed to buy at once can be confusing, especially with varying prices and quantities available. Did you know purchasing by the ounce could save money in the long run? This article demystifies weed measurements and explains the cost-effective benefits of buying your stash by the Ounce Specials Canada

Ready to find out why bigger might just be better? 

Understanding Weed Measurements and Pricing 

To accurately purchase weed, it is crucial to understand the various measurements and pricing options available, such as grams, eighths (⅛) of an ounce, quarters (¼) of an ounce, halves (½) of an ounce, and total ounces. 


The smallest weed measurement that you can buy is a gram. This tiny amount of cannabis, roughly enough for a few joints depending on your usage, often serves as the base unit for all other measurements. 

Buying weed by the gram allows one to sample different strains without committing to more significant amounts. It also caters perfectly to occasional users who don’t need large quantities at once. 

However, while convenient in these aspects, purchasing weed by the gram may not be cost-effective in the long run if you consume marijuana regularly. 

Eighth (⅛) Ounce 

Buying cannabis in an eighth (⅛) ounce quantity is a popular choice for many online dispensary clients. This particular measurement equals approximately 3.5 grams, providing consumers with a sufficient stash of weed to enjoy during relaxed evenings or small social gatherings. 

An eighth of an ounce often appeals to those who use marijuana moderately but not daily. Its cost-effectiveness lies in the balance it provides between affordability and quantity. The option offers more value than purchasing by the gram yet doesn’t require the financial investment necessary when buying quarter (¼), half (½) ounces or whole ounces at once. 

Moreover, its compact size makes it convenient for transport and storage yet still ensures you have enough on hand without worrying about restocking too soon. However, bulk buying can lead to potential savings if your usage or requirements are higher. 

Quarter (¼) Ounce 

Purchasing a quarter ounce of weed is an economical step between buying an eighth and a half ounce. This quantity suits light-to-moderate users well, offering potential cost savings without requiring a substantial initial investment. 

It contains about seven grams, providing enough cannabis for several sessions or shared experiences with friends. Often, dispensaries give price breaks at the quarter-ounce level, allowing you to get more bang for your buck. 

Buying in bulk minimizes frequent trips to the dispensary, affording convenience, especially if you live far from one. With this amount of weed on hand, unexpected social gatherings or sudden bouts of insomnia won’t catch you off guard! 

Half (½) Ounce 

Buying a half (½) ounce of weed can be a great option if you consume cannabis regularly. With a half ounce, you’ll have enough supply to last for an extended period, saving you multiple trips to the dispensary. 

Not only does buying in larger quantities reduce the inconvenience of frequent purchases, but it also allows you to save money in the long run. You can take advantage of bulk pricing and discounts offered by dispensaries by purchasing a half ounce at once. 

Additionally, having a more significant quantity on hand means you’re always prepared for gatherings or social events where sharing is expected. So consider getting yourself a half ounce and enjoy the benefits of both convenience and cost savings! 


When it comes to buying weed, purchasing by the ounce is an intelligent choice. By opting for larger quantities, you can save money in the long run and ensure you always have enough. 

Buying by the ounce allows you to take advantage of cost-effective pricing and get more bang for your buck. Whether you’re a regular user or enjoy hosting gatherings with friends, having an ounce of weed ensures that you’ll never run out when you need it most. 

So, if saving money and being prepared are essential to you, buying weed by the ounce makes perfect sense (and cents!). 

Ensuring Accurate Measurements 

To ensure you’re getting the right amount of weed when buying by the ounce, follow these steps: 

  1. Use a reliable scale to weigh your cannabis. 
  2. Verify that the scale is correctly calibrated before considering. 
  3. Place a container on the scale and “tare” it to zero before adding the weed. 
  4. Carefully place the desired quantity of cannabis into the container. 
  5. Double-check the weight on the scale to confirm accuracy. 
  6. If purchasing from a dispensary, ensure that their measurements are precise. 
  7. Consider investing in your ranking for added peace of mind. 

Personal Benefits of Buying Weed By the Ounce 

Buying weed by the ounce offers cost efficiency, convenience, and preparedness for gatherings. 

Cost efficiency 

Buying weed by the ounce can offer significant cost efficiency. When you purchase larger quantities, the price per gram decreases, resulting in more savings in the long run. Not only does buying in bulk save you money, but it also ensures that you always have enough supply on hand without having to make frequent trips to your dispensary or wait for deliveries. 

Whether you are a regular user or enjoy hosting gatherings with friends, buying weed by the ounce allows you to be prepared and avoid running out unexpectedly. With cost-effective purchasing, you can enjoy your cannabis experience while keeping more cents in your pocket. 


Buying weed by the ounce offers a convenience that is hard to beat. Instead of constantly making trips to the dispensary or placing multiple orders online, buying in larger quantities ensures that you always have a steady supply on hand. 

This means less time spent reordering and more time enjoying your favourite strains. Plus, with bulk buying, you can take advantage of discounts and special promotions offered by dispensaries, saving you even more money in the long run. 

So why not simplify your life and enjoy the convenience of buying weed by the ounce? 

Preparedness for gatherings 

When planning a gathering with friends, it’s essential to be prepared. Buying weed by the ounce can help ensure you have enough supply to keep everyone happy and relaxed throughout the event. 

By purchasing in larger quantities, you won’t have to worry about running out of cannabis during the night. This way, you can focus on enjoying yourself and socializing without interruptions. 

So next time you’re organizing a get-together, consider buying weed by the ounce for ultimate preparedness. 

Whether it’s a small gathering or a big party, having enough cannabis is critical for ensuring an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. By buying weed by the ounce, you save money in the long run and avoid any last-minute trips to restock. 

Dispelling Myths About Buying Weed By the Ounce 

Don’t let the perception of excessive use or legal concerns deter you from the benefits of buying weed by the ounce. Read on to learn more. 

Perception of excessive use 

Some people may have concerns about buying weed by the ounce due to a perception of excessive use. They might worry that purchasing in larger quantities means consuming more cannabis, which could lead to dependency or other adverse effects. 

However, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tolerance and consumption preferences. Buying weed by ounce doesn’t automatically mean you’ll use more—it simply offers the option for cost-effective purchasing and convenience. 

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to consume responsibly and find what works best for them. 

Legal concerns 

Understanding the legal aspects of buying weed is crucial for online dispensary clients. It’s important to know that while marijuana has been legalized in many places, there are still legal considerations to keep in mind. 

This includes being aware of age restrictions and knowing where it is legal to buy and consume cannabis products in Montreal, Canada. Understanding the types of cannabis products sold and following the laws will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience when purchasing weed by ounce. 

Legalities of Buying Weed in Montreal, Canada 

In Montreal, Canada, there are age restrictions for buying weed and specific places where you can legally purchase and consume cannabis products. Find out more about the types of cannabis products sold in Montreal by reading the full blog post. 

Age restrictions 

To legally purchase and consume cannabis in Montreal, you must be at least 18 years old. It’s important to note that age restrictions are strictly enforced to ensure the responsible consumption of marijuana. 

As an online dispensary client, you must meet the minimum age requirements before purchasing. By adhering to these regulations, you can enjoy the benefits of buying weed by the ounce while staying within legal boundaries. 

Remember to have your ID ready when placing an order! 

Where to buy and consume legally 

To buy and consume weed legally, you must: 

  • Purchase from a licensed dispensary or online retailer. 
  •  Show proof of age, typically 18 or 21 years old. 
  •  Follow provincial laws and regulations regarding quantities and packaging. 
  • Consume in designated areas such as private residences or specific outdoor spaces. 
  •  Avoid consuming in public places like parks, schools, or workplaces. 
  •  Be aware of restrictions on driving under the influence. 

Types of cannabis products sold 

Online dispensaries offer a wide variety of cannabis products to suit every preference and need. These include: 

  1. Indica strains: Known for their relaxing and calming effects, indica strains are often used to help with relaxation, stress relief, and sleep. 
  2. Sativa strains: Sativa strains are known for their energizing and uplifting effects. They are often used during the day for increased focus, creativity, and productivity. 
  3. Hybrid strains: These strains combine both indica and sativa genetics, offering a balanced experience with effects that can vary depending on the strain. 
  4. Edibles: Edible cannabis products come in various forms, such as gummies, chocolates, cookies, and beverages. They provide an alternative consumption method that is discreet and long-lasting. 
  5. Concentrates: Cannabis concentrates are highly potent products that come in different forms like shatter, wax, oil, or hash. They offer a more concentrated dose of cannabinoids and are consumed through vaporizing or dabbing. 
  6. Topicals: Cannabis-infused topicals include creams, lotions, balms, and oils that can be applied directly to the skin to relieve pain or inflammation. 
  7. CBD products: CBD (Cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants. It is commonly used for its potential therapeutic benefits without causing intoxication. 
  8. Accessories: Online dispensaries also offer a range of accessories such as vaporizers, pipes, bongs, rolling papers, and grinders to enhance the cannabis experience. 


Buying weed by the ounce makes perfect sense for several reasons. Firstly, purchasing in larger quantities is a cost-effective decision that can help you save money in the long run. 

Secondly, it provides convenience as you won’t have to make frequent trips to buy smaller amounts. Lastly, having an ounce of weed on hand ensures that you’re always prepared for gatherings or social events. 

So go ahead and embrace the benefits of buying weed by the ounce – your wallet and peace of mind will thank you!