Use of weed is not a conventional practice and most individuals prefer to consume it in private. That is why Marijuana is normally packaged in a form that creates no suspicion of a package contents. 

While many cannabis sellers may want to invent diversified modes of packaging weed, this luxury is in most occasions left at the grace of state cannabis regulators. 

For instance in Canada, it is prohibited for one to package weed in a labeled package. This regulation prohibits labels such as logos, colors and brand names on the top or the visible part. The objective of these regulations is to: 

Avoid hiking impulse buying especially by young people from the package appearance 

Highlight the cannabis standardization mark and health impact warning messages more visible 

Provide consumers with the right information on the package content and the use procedure to inform their buying decisions. 

This plain uniform packaging is applicable to all packaging materials inclusive of labels and all forms of packaging materials used from containers to rappers and even covering wraps. 

The generally accepted packaging guidelines are as follows; 

One uniform color – No flowery appearance for packaging materials. In addition, the appearance of the containers must allow clear visibility of the yellow color of health impact awareness message and the red color of the standardized cannabis symbol. The cover of the containers must as well allow a clear view (colorless/transparent). The color for each surface may however be different.  

Smooth container feel – The texture of the container must be smooth with no decorate edges for wrappers unless the feature is necessary to allow easy of opening and closing the container, or if it is a guide for the visually impaired.  

All features must be visible – This is with the exception of when the invisible feature is used to curb counterfeiting. 

The features should not have the ability of changing the surface are including tags, folded panels unless it is a peel –back feature. This is however not applicable for wrappers. 

The package should not allow the passage of smell or sound. 

There should be no open spaces unless it is a covering or a wrapper. 

There should be no branding element as outlined in the provisions of the regulations. 

There should be no images and/information in the container, covering or wrapper whether interiorly or exteriorly. However, a package may display a bar code but just once in a rectangle that is black and in white in color with no any other images or designs while a wrapper must show the standardized Marijuana symbol. There should be no inserted elements nor leaflets unless an important document such as Consumer Information Cannabis. Additional information allowed includes shipment detail sent to the registered patients. 

In addition to the above, the immediate weed container should only contain a single class of cannabis, even in the outermost container. 

The weed container should as well have the capability of keeping the dried cannabis leaves and seeds dry for value preservation. 

The immediate container should as well be either opaque or translucent and it should be also child resistant. 

The immediate container should adhere to the set limit of cannabis part (grams). For the plants, they should not be flowering or budding at the time of sale and should meet the set limited number. 

The packaging holding the outermost container cannot contain food, more than on class of cannabis nor more than one immediate container. 

It when living in Canada, it is illegal to carry weed out of the country. Within Canada, one is only permitted to only carry the maximum allowed number of cannabis weigh, which is 30g for recreational purposes. Other than the allowed limit, cannabis doesn’t have any major carrying protocols. 

In conclusion, packaging and carrying weed is not just a practice, it is a regulated procedure that need to be adhered to as reviewed above.