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Does cannabis have any effect on memory?

Cannabis use has for long been associated with memory loss, both short and long term. There is scientific evidence that cannabis intake temporarily alters processing in short term memory. This is caused by compounds which disrupt neurons. When short term memory is interrupted, it causes negative impact on learning, which in turn leads to lack of interest in education and poor concentration. In a nut shell, cannabis causes impaired memory. 

Research has also proven that cannabis damages the developing brain in teenagers. It does this by changing the neural brain tissue which is responsible for memory. This affects retention and recalling of information. However, this change is reversible when one abstains from the drug. 

Exposure to cannabis during developmental stages of a child causes long term or even permanent effects to the brain. The major effect known is the damage to the short and long term memory part of the brain. This is where there is slow brain development compared to the age of the child. The child may even become a slow learner due to inability to process and retain information. This is irreversible. 

Studies have also linked low IQ to the use of cannabis. This especially if its usage started during adolescence or earlier.  

Scientific experiments have also proven that cannabis can be therapeutic and may have some medical benefits. As one grows older, the brain, especially the memory part of it degenerates. This means that one starts losing memory. Researchers have found cannabis to slow and prevent adverse effects of memory loss. Chemicals in cannabis do this by creating some neurons. 

Cannabis also soothes the brain through a chemical called CBD which in turn causes sleep. This is beneficial especially to those suffering from lack of sleep.  

Cannabis is illegal in many countries and states due to many health implications. Due to this its usage should be regulated only to medical grounds.